Aishwary Vishwakarma profile
Hey there, I am
Aishwary Vishwakarma

Recent BE graduate who have a great interest in Web development. I am a self taught developer and have a great interest in learning new technologies. A very good team player with great problem-solving ability and currently sitting in a dark-room with coffee and looking into dark-theme VS code.

  • Web Engineer, Mason, Bangalore
    JULY 2023 - FEBRUARY 2024
    • Successfully optimized and managed the GatsbyJs website, leading to an impressive 80% improvement in the Lighthouse score
    • Trained the customer operations team, enabling them to proficiently handle widget development, decreasing the development time by 20%
    • Implemented automation and integration solutions to seamlessly connect Google Spreadsheets and Notion with the Slack workspace
  • Lead Architect, Fundamentals, Bangalore
    OCTOBER 2023 - DECEMBER 2023
    • Architected and lead the development of Fundamentals e-commerce platform
    • Achieved an outstanding average Lighthouse score of 90 and maintained an average daily visitor count of approximately 1,000
    • Integrated payment and email services and automated the workflow by connecting google spreadsheet with the website and slack workspace
  • UI Intern, Mason, Bangalore
    DECEMBER 2022 — JULY 2023
    • Developed customer-requested features into Modemagic (Shopify app from Mason), resulting in a substantial improvement in the retention rate
    • Developed a script capable of translating widgets into 7 different languages. This significantly reduced translation time from ~2 minutes to just 5 seconds
    • Made substantial contributions to the Modemagic app, including the creation of over 100 widgets and the resolution of various customer issues and bugs
Recent Projects
Made with byAishwary Vishwakarma@ 2023